Climate Resilience
Advancing Climate Resilience Solutions in the Asia Pacific Region
Meet Some of the Social Enterprises

Kisangas provides sustainable organic waste management solutions designed to utilize waste as a commodity for farmers. Its modern and affordable biogas technology helps to convert cattle waste into a clean form of fuel, making farmers self-reliant for fuel and providing an excellent bio fertilizer. Kisangas is headquartered in India.

Gravity Water
Gravity Water turns rain into safe drinking water at schools in need around the world. Gravity Water focuses on a low-technology approach to safe drinking water access through rainwater harvesting, elevated storage, and gravity-fed filtration. Their systems provide reliable and long-term access to clean water for a fraction of the cost of advanced treatment systems. Gravity Water operates in Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rica.

Toolsvilla offers a wide range of high-quality machinery, tools and supplies that help smallholder farmers and other small businesses become more efficient and profitable, especially in the agriculture sector. Toolsvilla provides free training, advisory services, and after sales support throughout the Toolsvilla network and is headquartered in India.