Erin Ronald, Jean Baptiste Tooley, Kimmie Meunier

Erin Ronald is a fourth year Environmental Studies and Sociology double major. She is passionate about helping communities reduce social inequalities through sustainable development. After college, Erin aims to continue her vocational discernment, pursuing research that focuses on urban climate change mitigation before applying to graduate school. She is most interested in human ecology, climate change management, and international development.

Jean Baptiste Tooley recently finished classes while majoring in Environmental Studies. He is currently following his vocational discernment in Aberdeen, Scotland as a Center for Food Innovation and Entrepreneurship fellow where he is working with a team to make global climate models. After graduating in June, Jean Baptiste aims to work in agriculture at the intersection of development and climate change before applying to graduate schools.

Kimmie Meunier is a fourth year English and French major. Post-graduation, she plans to spend a year in France in order to improve her language skills, engage in cultural-exchange, and dive deeper into her own vocational discernment. While Kimmie does not know exactly what career path she will follow, she's seeking to advance women's agency and eliminate gender inequality. She is also interested in the intersection between language, communication, and social justice.