Fostering the Impact of Social Entrepreneurs working on Climate Change in Africa


The African continent continues to be massively affected by climate change, driving its countries to be ever more sensitive to vital poverty-related needs like access to energy, water, and agriculture. Social entrepreneurship is one key answer to unlock sustainable development. African countries living with extreme poverty are the most vulnerable to climate change because those two scourges overburden their population. This means that many challenges await Africa given that the continent has 9 out of the top 10 countries with the highest poverty rate in the world.

Many sectors in Africa are in desperate need of support, and Miller Center sees social entrepreneurs as a key vector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Read the full article, Fostering the Impact of Social Entrepreneurs working on Climate Change in Africa here.

Written by: Mialy Rasoanarivony, Atlas Corps Fellow C42 from Madagascar, who worked with Miller Center during 2021-22.