Nigeria Maternal and Child Health Receive Boost

Media Mention

Published May 11th 2016 on News24.

Lagos – More Nigerians are set to experience better health and affordable care following a partnership between a digital industrial company and an entrepreneurship centre.

General Electric and Santa Clara University’s Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship have announced a partnership that focuses on training and mentoring social entrepreneurs working on maternal and child health innovations in sub-Saharan Africa.

The partnership has been announced in Lagos.

The mother and child programme aims to help social enterprises addressing maternal and/or child health strengthen their business models, refine business plans, reinforce organizational development, manage talent, and learn how to scale sustainably.

Enterprises that provide infrastructure services or facilities associated with needs from pregnancy to pediatric care are also eligible to apply.

The programme is being offered to 15-to-20 selected participants. The programme includes six month’s of online training during which participants will be matched with a Silicon Valley leader who will guide them on how to develop a scalable enterprise.

Selected social entrepreneurs from Nigeria Ghana, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, South Africa and Angola will be taken through a detailed training programme.

Other countries where the social entrepreneurs who apply will be screened include Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Senegal.

To be considered for the program, qualified leaders of social enterprises need to apply by May 18. Selected finalists will be announced after a formal review and interview process by a panel of judges from GE and Miller Centre.